Boars, Gore, and Swords

“Oathkeeper”, Season 4 Episode 4 of HBO’s “Game of Thrones”, is exposition heavy after starting the season with three extremely action packed episodes. Ivan and Red are joined by Scott Simpson of “You Look Nice Today”. They discuss unrealistic television sewers, Daenerys’s missed opportunity to sing “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina”, the sword fight version of “stop hitting yourself”, Jamie managing a Foot Locker, Olenna Tyrell walking leisurely through gardens, the moral purity of Hodor, Westerosi Algebra, and The Fortress of Solitude.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:55am EDT

“Breaker of Chains”, Season 4 Episode 3 of HBO’s “Game of Thrones”, takes a victory lap, before dealing with the ripples of one of the biggest shocks to hit Westeros yet. Ivan and Red are joined by comedian Matt Lieb to discuss this episode which sets the stage for the rest of the season. We cover Sansa running into Gendry, Littlefinger doing Batman’s voice, the absolute worst kind of sexual act, the loudest slurping scene in modern television, The Hound going Galt, Samwell Tarly’s poor judgement, the return of The BORG (or Thenns), knife to horse combat, and a really respectable pyramid.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:16am EDT

Season 4 Episode 2 of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” takes the fourth season to an entirely different level. Ivan and Red are joined by comedian and Business-man Sean Keane to discuss an episode that is certain to be a classic in this realm. We cover the most disturbing tv scene in television history, Joffrey’s dream woman, a refocusing on Bronn’s storyline, the insufficient bastard naming system, Theon going to Barber school, Skyler vs Shae, the lineage of Dragonstone, Joffrey’s wonderfully short wedding ceremony, new Tommen, Ser Loras vs Ser Jaime, Brienne vs Cersei, the indignity of the little person acting troupe, and reams and reams of comeuppance.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:33am EDT

With the long awaited Season 4 Premiere of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” is upon us, Ivan and Red cut deep into “Two Swords”. They’re joined by third chair Kelly Anneken, and the three of them discuss molten Ice, the sequel to Ser Captain America - The Winter is Coming Soldier, Tall Joffrey, the introduction of Prince Oberyn AKA “The Red Viper”, mc’ing weddings for cake, the newer/higher mountain, Assassin Kenny Rogers, Jaime going full Buster Bluth, The Cannibal Borg, Joffrey’s Saxophone statue, the abbreviated "Ser Duncan the Tall", and the beautiful reunion of a girl and her named sword!

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:52am EDT