Mon, 25 April 2016
The season six premiere of HBO's Game of Thrones aired Sunday, marking a return to the characters and subplots we loved and dreaded. Each week following the show, Boars, Gore, and Swords will recap all the newest developments in the world of Westeros. For this week's "The Red Woman," Ivan and Red are joined by guest OJ Patterson to discuss dead Jons, bro Dothrakis, and woke fanfiction. |
Mon, 18 April 2016
Game of Thrones returns to HBO for Season 6 this Sunday and it has been far too long of a hiatus. Is Stannis alive? Is Bran going through puberty? Are Jorah’s chances with Daenerys dead, or merely undead. Ivan & Red update you on the most 100 relevant Game of Thrones characters in preparation for the premiere. If you enjoy Ivan & Red, support our patreon!
Direct download: 2016-04-2016-04-18_BGaS_Episode_197_6x00.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32am EDT |
Wed, 13 April 2016
Tom Schneider of Up Yours, Downstairs! joins Red and Ivan to discuss “The Real History Behind Game of Thrones”, a fascinating and wholly uneven featurette about the historical figures behind Game of Thrones' most notable characters, included on the Season 5 Game of Thrones Blu-ray and currently screening on youtube.
Direct download: 2016-04-11_BGaS_Episode_196_WYSBW_TRHBGoT.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38am EDT |
Sun, 3 April 2016
As voted by the people, Netflix’s “Daredevil”. Ivan and Red discuss the Season 1, Episode 1, “Into The Ring”, whether Marvel properties will outlast the heat death of the universe, and how people with vision impairment can know if they’re being represented poorly in visual media.
Direct download: 2016-04-04_BGaS_Episode_195_WYSBW_Daredevil.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:57pm EDT |