Sun, 27 March 2016
Syfy's "The Magicians" based on the trilogy by Lev Grossman is up for discussion. Ivan and Red are joined by guest KayDee Kersten to discuss Syfy's uneven yet surprisingly successful attempt at prestige drama on a basic cable budget.
Direct download: 2016-03-28_BGaS_Episode_194_WYSBW_The_Magicians.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm EDT |
Sun, 20 March 2016
If you’re itching for new stories within the world of Game of Thrones, look no further than Telltale’s “Game of Thrones”, a series of 6 planned episodes that take you into Westeros through the eyes of House Forrester, loyal Bannerman to House Stark. In “The Ice Dragon” Ivan & Red deal very poorly with blood magic, a poor coal boy, and peek at some compelling corners of Game of Thrones canon.
Direct download: 2016-03-21_BGaS_Episode_193_Telltale_1x06.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:28pm EDT |
Sun, 13 March 2016
If you’re itching for new stories within the world of Game of Thrones, look no further than Telltale’s “Game of Thrones”, a series of 6 planned episodes that take you into Westeros through the eyes of House Forrester, loyal Bannerman to House Stark. In “Nest of Vipers” Ivan & Red's choices are compounding as the series heads towards its conclusion. Listen to see how they handle Ramsay Bolton, White Walkers, and most terrifying of all, Cersei Lannister.
Direct download: 2016-03-14_BGaS_Episode_192_Telltale_1x05.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:21pm EDT |
Tue, 8 March 2016
If you’re itching for new stories within the world of Game of Thrones, look no further than Telltale’s “Game of Thrones”, a series of 6 planned episodes that take you into Westeros through the eyes of House Forrester, loyal Bannerman to House Stark. This episode Ivan & Red compare the terrible choices they made in the 4th episode, “Sons of Winter”. Do you let your sister live? Or your brother? Do you let your friend take the life of the man who enslaved her even if you’re in the middle of something? How many drinks is too many?
Direct download: 2016-03-07_BGaS_Episode_191_Telltale_1x04.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:04am EDT |